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<!--- * * Type: Wizard Definition File * Name: EXCEPTION HANDLING WIZARD * * Description: * This wizard generates basic try-catch construct * for the exception types, selected in the wizard * pages. * * Note: * Since this wizard definition file uses dynamic * page layout, you can customize wizard pages in the * script below to fit your needs. * ---> <WIZARD name="ExceptionHandling" caption="Exception Handling Wizard"> <!--- wizard parameters ---> <PARAM name="AreDBErrorsHandled" value="false" required="yes"> <PARAM name="AreTemplateErrorsHandled" value="false" required="yes"> <PARAM name="AreMissingIncludedFileErrorsHandled" value="false" required="yes"> <PARAM name="AreObjectErrorsHandled" value="false" required="yes"> <PARAM name="AreSecurityErrorsHandled" value="false" required="yes"> <PARAM name="AreApplicationDefinedErrorsHandled" value="false" required="yes"> <PARAM name="AreUnexpectedErrorsHandled" value="true" required="yes"> <PARAM name="UnexpectedErrorHandler" required="yes"> <PARAM name="br" value="$${ chr(13) & chr(10) }"> <!--- database failure handler content ---> <PARAM name="p0101" value="<!--- code below will be executed if a database failure occurs --->"> <PARAM name="p0102" value="<H1>Database Error</H1>"> <PARAM name="p0103" value="<CFOUTPUT>"> <PARAM name="p0104" value="<UL>"> <PARAM name="p0105" value=" <LI><B>Message:</B> #CFCATCH.Message#</LI>"> <PARAM name="p0106" value=" <LI><B>Native error code:</B> #CFCATCH.NativeErrorCode#</LI>"> <PARAM name="p0107" value=" <LI><B>SQL state:</B> #CFCATCH.SQLState#</LI>"> <PARAM name="p0108" value=" <LI><B>Detail:</B> #CFCATCH.Detail#</LI>"> <PARAM name="p0109" value="</UL>"> <PARAM name="p0110" value="</CFOUTPUT>"> <!--- template error handler content ---> <PARAM name="p0201" value="<!--- code below will be executed if a template error occurs --->"> <PARAM name="p0202" value="<H1>Template Error</H1>"> <PARAM name="p0203" value="<CFOUTPUT>"> <PARAM name="p0204" value="<UL>"> <PARAM name="p0205" value=" <LI><B>Message:</B> #CFCATCH.Message#</LI>"> <PARAM name="p0206" value=" <LI><B>Detail:</B> #CFCATCH.Detail#</LI>"> <PARAM name="p0207" value="</UL>"> <PARAM name="p0208" value="</CFOUTPUT>"> <!--- missing included file error handler content ---> <PARAM name="p0301" value="<!--- code below will be executed if a missing included file error occurs --->"> <PARAM name="p0302" value="<H1>Missing Included File</H1>"> <PARAM name="p0303" value="<CFOUTPUT>"> <PARAM name="p0304" value="<UL>"> <PARAM name="p0305" value=" <LI><B>Message:</B> #CFCATCH.Message#</LI>"> <PARAM name="p0306" value=" <LI><B>Detail:</B> #CFCATCH.Detail#</LI>"> <PARAM name="p0307" value="</UL>"> <PARAM name="p0308" value="</CFOUTPUT>"> <!--- object exception handler content ---> <PARAM name="p0401" value="<!--- code below will be executed if an object exception occurs --->"> <PARAM name="p0402" value="<H1>Object Error</H1>"> <PARAM name="p0403" value="<CFOUTPUT>"> <PARAM name="p0404" value="<UL>"> <PARAM name="p0405" value=" <LI><B>Message:</B> #CFCATCH.Message#</LI>"> <PARAM name="p0406" value=" <LI><B>Detail:</B> #CFCATCH.Detail#</LI>"> <PARAM name="p0407" value="</UL>"> <PARAM name="p0408" value="</CFOUTPUT>"> <!--- security exception handler content ---> <PARAM name="p0501" value="<!--- code below will be executed if a security error occurs --->"> <PARAM name="p0502" value="<H1>Security Error</H1>"> <PARAM name="p0503" value="<CFOUTPUT>"> <PARAM name="p0504" value="<UL>"> <PARAM name="p0505" value=" <LI><B>Message:</B> #CFCATCH.Message#</LI>"> <PARAM name="p0506" value=" <LI><B>Detail:</B> #CFCATCH.Detail#</LI>"> <PARAM name="p0507" value="</UL>"> <PARAM name="p0508" value="</CFOUTPUT>"> <!--- application defined exception handler content ---> <PARAM name="p0701" value="<!--- code below will be executed if an application-defined exception occurs --->"> <PARAM name="p0702" value="<H1>Application-Defined Error</H1>"> <PARAM name="p0703" value="<CFOUTPUT>"> <PARAM name="p0704" value="<UL>"> <PARAM name="p0705" value=" <LI><B>Message:</B> #CFCATCH.Message#</LI>"> <PARAM name="p0706" value=" <LI><B>Native error code:</B> #CFCATCH.NativeErrorCode#</LI>"> <PARAM name="p0707" value="</UL>"> <PARAM name="p0708" value="</CFOUTPUT>"> <!--- unexpected internal exception handler content ---> <PARAM name="p0601" value="<!--- code below will be executed if an unexpected error occurs --->"> <PARAM name="p0602" value="<H1>Unexpected Error</H1>"> <PARAM name="p0603" value="<CFOUTPUT>"> <PARAM name="p0604" value="<UL>"> <PARAM name="p0605" value=" <LI><B>Message:</B> #CFCATCH.Message#</LI>"> <PARAM name="p0606" value=" <LI><B>Detail:</B> #CFCATCH.Detail#</LI>"> <PARAM name="p0607" value="</UL>"> <PARAM name="p0608" value="</CFOUTPUT>"> <!--- WIZARD PAGES ---> <!--- introduction page ---> <PAGE name="Intro" type="DYNAMIC" caption="Exception handling" image="..\\images\\main.bmp"> <PAGELAYOUT> <CONTROL name="lblIntroduction" type="label" down="10" right="10" width="MAXIMUM" height="100" wrap="YES" caption="This wizard generates the standard TRY-CATCH skeleton for exception handling.\n\nUse the text area below to enter the code you are expecting to raise exception. This code will be placed inside of CFTRY tag before the first CFCATCH tag." /> <CONTROL name="txtBody" type="TextArea" down=5 anchor="lblIntroduction" corner="SW" scrollBar="BOTH" width="MAXIMUM" height="MAXIMUM" maxWidthPadding="5" maxHeightPadding="5" /> </PAGELAYOUT> <INPUT name="txtBody" param="Body" default="<!--- code below will be handled for exceptions --->" > </PAGE> <!--- database failure handler ---> <PAGE name="Database Failures" type="DYNAMIC" caption="Database Failures" image="..\\images\\main.bmp"> <PAGELAYOUT> <CONTROL name="chbHandleDBErrors" type="CheckBox" down="10" right="10" width="MAXIMUM" caption=" Handle database failures" /> <CONTROL name="lblIntroduction" type="label" anchor="chbHandleDBErrors" corner="SW" down="10" width="MAXIMUM" height="30" wrap="YES" caption="If you select the option above, the database failures will be caught and following code will be executed:" /> <CONTROL name="txtDBErrorHandler" type="TextArea" anchor="lblIntroduction" corner="SW" down="10" scrollBar="BOTH" width="MAXIMUM" height="MAXIMUM" maxWidthPadding="5" maxHeightPadding="5" /> </PAGELAYOUT> <INPUT name="chbHandleDBErrors" param="AreDBErrorsHandled"> <INPUT name="txtDBErrorHandler" param="DBErrorHandler" default="$${p0101 & br & p0102 & br & p0103 & br & p0104 & br & p0105 & br & p0106 & br & p0107 & br & p0108 & br & p0109 & br & p0110}"> </PAGE> <!--- template error handler ---> <PAGE name="Template Errors" type="DYNAMIC" caption="Template Errors" image="..\\images\\main.bmp"> <PAGELAYOUT> <CONTROL name="chbHandleTemplateErrors" type="CheckBox" down="10" right="10" width="MAXIMUM" caption=" Handle template errors" /> <CONTROL name="lblIntroduction" type="label" anchor="chbHandleTemplateErrors" corner="SW" down="10" width="MAXIMUM" height="30" wrap="YES" caption="If you select the option above, the template errors will be caught and following code will be executed:" /> <CONTROL name="txtTemplateErrorHandler" type="TextArea" anchor="lblIntroduction" corner="SW" down="10" scrollBar="BOTH" width="MAXIMUM" height="MAXIMUM" maxWidthPadding="5" maxHeightPadding="5" /> </PAGELAYOUT> <INPUT name="chbHandleTemplateErrors" param="AreTemplateErrorsHandled"> <INPUT name="txtTemplateErrorHandler" param="TemplateErrorHandler" default="$${p0201 & br & p0202 & br & p0203 & br & p0204 & br & p0205 & br & p0206 & br & p0207 & br & p0208}"> </PAGE> <!--- missing included file error handler ---> <PAGE name="Missing Included File Errors" type="DYNAMIC" caption="Missing Included File Errors" image="..\\images\\main.bmp"> <PAGELAYOUT> <CONTROL name="chbHandleMissingIncludedFileErrors" type="CheckBox" down="10" right="10" width="MAXIMUM" caption=" Handle missing included file errors" /> <CONTROL name="lblIntroduction" type="label" anchor="chbHandleMissingIncludedFileErrors" corner="SW" down="10" width="MAXIMUM" height="30" wrap="YES" caption="If you select the option above, the missing included file errors will be caught and following code will be executed:" /> <CONTROL name="txtMissingIncludedFileErrorHandler" type="TextArea" anchor="lblIntroduction" corner="SW" down="10" scrollBar="BOTH" width="MAXIMUM" height="MAXIMUM" maxWidthPadding="5" maxHeightPadding="5" /> </PAGELAYOUT> <INPUT name="chbHandleMissingIncludedFileErrors" param="AreMissingIncludedFileErrorsHandled"> <INPUT name="txtMissingIncludedFileErrorHandler" param="MissingIncludedFileErrorHandler" default="$${p0301 & br & p0302 & br & p0303 & br & p0304 & br & p0305 & br & p0306 & br & p0307 & br & p0308}"> </PAGE> <!--- object exception handler ---> <PAGE name="Object Exceptions" type="DYNAMIC" caption="Object Exceptions" image="..\\images\\main.bmp"> <PAGELAYOUT> <CONTROL name="chbHandleObjectErrors" type="CheckBox" down="10" right="10" width="MAXIMUM" caption=" Handle object exceptions" /> <CONTROL name="lblIntroduction" type="label" anchor="chbHandleObjectErrors" corner="SW" down="10" width="MAXIMUM" height="30" wrap="YES" caption="If you select the option above, the object exceptions will be caught and following code will be executed:" /> <CONTROL name="txtObjectErrorHandler" type="TextArea" anchor="lblIntroduction" corner="SW" down="10" scrollBar="BOTH" width="MAXIMUM" height="MAXIMUM" maxWidthPadding="5" maxHeightPadding="5" /> </PAGELAYOUT> <INPUT name="chbHandleObjectErrors" param="AreObjectErrorsHandled"> <INPUT name="txtObjectErrorHandler" param="ObjectErrorHandler" default="$${p0401 & br & p0402 & br & p0403 & br & p0404 & br & p0405 & br & p0406 & br & p0407 & br & p0408}"> </PAGE> <!--- security exception handler ---> <PAGE name="Security Failures" type="DYNAMIC" caption="Security Failures" image="..\\images\\main.bmp"> <PAGELAYOUT> <CONTROL name="chbHandleSecurityErrors" type="CheckBox" down="10" right="10" width="MAXIMUM" caption=" Handle security failures" /> <CONTROL name="lblIntroduction" type="label" anchor="chbHandleSecurityErrors" corner="SW" down="10" width="MAXIMUM" height="30" wrap="YES" caption="If you select the option above, the security failures will be caught and following code will be executed:" /> <CONTROL name="txtSecurityErrorHandler" type="TextArea" anchor="lblIntroduction" corner="SW" down="10" scrollBar="BOTH" width="MAXIMUM" height="MAXIMUM" maxWidthPadding="5" maxHeightPadding="5" /> </PAGELAYOUT> <INPUT name="chbHandleSecurityErrors" param="AreSecurityErrorsHandled"> <INPUT name="txtSecurityErrorHandler" param="SecurityErrorHandler" default="$${p0501 & br & p0502 & br & p0503 & br & p0504 & br & p0505 & br & p0506 & br & p0507 & br & p0508}"> </PAGE> <!--- application-defined exception handler ---> <PAGE name="Application-Defined Exceptions" type="DYNAMIC" caption="Application-Defined Exceptions" image="..\\images\\main.bmp"> <PAGELAYOUT> <CONTROL name="chbHandleApplicationDefinedErrors" type="CheckBox" down="10" right="10" width="MAXIMUM" caption=" Handle application-defined exceptions" /> <CONTROL name="lblIntroduction" type="label" anchor="chbHandleApplicationDefinedErrors" corner="SW" down="10" width="MAXIMUM" height="30" wrap="YES" caption="If you select the option above, the application-defined exceptions will be caught and following code will be executed:" /> <CONTROL name="txtApplicationDefinedErrorHandler" type="TextArea" anchor="lblIntroduction" corner="SW" down="10" scrollBar="BOTH" width="MAXIMUM" height="MAXIMUM" maxWidthPadding="5" maxHeightPadding="5" /> </PAGELAYOUT> <INPUT name="chbHandleApplicationDefinedErrors" param="AreApplicationDefinedErrorsHandled"> <INPUT name="txtApplicationDefinedErrorHandler" param="ApplicationDefinedErrorHandler" default="$${p0701 & br & p0702 & br & p0703 & br & p0704 & br & p0705 & br & p0706 & br & p0707 & br & p0708}"> </PAGE> <!--- unexpected internal exception handler ---> <PAGE name="Unexpected Internal Failures" type="DYNAMIC" caption="Unexpected Internal Failures" image="..\\images\\main.bmp"> <PAGELAYOUT> <CONTROL name="chbHandleUnexpectedErrors" type="CheckBox" down="10" right="10" width="MAXIMUM" caption=" Handle unexpected internal failures" /> <CONTROL name="lblIntroduction" type="label" anchor="chbHandleUnexpectedErrors" corner="SW" down="10" width="MAXIMUM" height="30" wrap="YES" caption="If you select the option above, the unexpected internal failures will be caught and following code will be executed:" /> <CONTROL name="txtUnexpectedErrorHandler" type="TextArea" anchor="lblIntroduction" corner="SW" down="10" scrollBar="BOTH" width="MAXIMUM" height="MAXIMUM" maxWidthPadding="5" maxHeightPadding="5" /> </PAGELAYOUT> <INPUT name="chbHandleUnexpectedErrors" param="AreUnexpectedErrorsHandled"> <INPUT name="txtUnexpectedErrorHandler" param="UnexpectedErrorHandler" default="$${p0601 & br & p0602 & br & p0603 & br & p0604 & br & p0605 & br & p0606 & br & p0607 & br & p0608}"> </PAGE> <!--- generated template(s) ---> <TEMPLATE name="ExceptionHandling.wml" outputFile="ExceptionHandling.cfm" description="The exception handling (CFTRY-CFCATCH) skeleton" > </WIZARD>